Do you want to sell your laboratory equipment? We help you find the best solution.

At Galileo Scientific, we are interested in purchasing used laboratory equipment or helping you find a new purpose for it through our network of clients. To assess our interest in buying or explore other options such as commercial brokerage or online auctions, we only need to start the process that you send us a list of the equipment and some general photos.

If the equipment meets our needs, we will request further details to properly evaluate them. Send us an email at with the following information:

  • Equipment category
  • Brand and model
  • Year and original purchase price
  • Condition and functionality
  • Accessories, PC/software, and manuals included
  • Location
  • Photos of the unit and accessories

We will review your proposal and advise you on the best way to manage your equipment.

Costumized options

When the assessment is done, we will contact you to find out your priorities and offer you the sales route that best suits your needs. These can be:

For any questions you can contact us through our page.